Natal Astrology
Natal astrology enables you discover a wider range of perspectives and new options for action and personal growth. Natal sessions can be in person (if you live near me in Rhode Island) or online through Zoom. If we meet in person, you will receive a copy of your natal chart and other forms we look at together. If we meet online, we can record the session if you wish. after our session you will receive a voice recording of our conversation. Before we meet, I supply a short questionnaire for you to provide more detail so I can prepare your chart properly.
Natal Sessions (75-90 minutes) bring together information about your life circumstances and from the natal chart and astrology’s predictive techniques ($145) includes follow-up when appropriate).
Update Sessions (60 minutes) can be yearly ($105) or more frequently ($65).
Horary Astrology
Horary astrology provides information based on the exact time or asking a question about a specific situation in your life with an uncertain outcome. Questions may be about career, relationships, health, travel, or missing items, but grounded in an immediate concern ($50).
Electional Astrology
Electional Astrology helps select the most auspicious day and time for beginning any undertaking, including weddings, job interviews, travel ($60).