Author: Joseph Crane

Maya Angelou and the Victorious Personality

Maya Angelou encountered adversity early in life, and from adversity developed wisdom, a strong sense of humanity and an unshakable confidence in her own possibilities and those of others. She also helped carry the struggle against racism, sexism, and social inequality. We can gain valuable insight from her astrological chart.

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Fred Rogers – 2018’s Favorite Person

This year we have heard and read much about life and work of Fred Rogers, much nostalgically, contrasting his message of kindness and positive regard with our era of toxic politics, policy, and mass media. I add the adjectives “effective” and “significant” to describe him, for his was a positive message that helped make a difference. Many wish for a return to Rogers’ values thought to be in present decline.

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Dorothy Day: Untimely Prophet

Many of my readers either have not heard of Dorothy Day, or perhaps confuse her with a movie actress from the 1950’s, or, better, know she was somehow involved in charity and maybe Catholicism. This would be a good start, especially now, during a time when her influence seems to be at a low ebb.

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