To know yourself is the first step on the path of Wisdom
We each sit in the center of life itself, irrevocably connected to the people, situations, and sacred world around us.
Awakening to the meaning and purpose of our lives is our birthright as we learn what it means to be human.
Schedule a Consultation
Open to new horizons of belonging, self understanding, and life engagement
Astrology provides a tool to open a conversation about who you are—your state of being, your potential, your concerns and your overall life pattern. In consultations, we aim to create a safe environment of intelligence and empathy to help you come to a deeper understanding of your purpose and the movements in your life, and to discover a wider range of perspectives and options for growth.
Learn the Art of Astrological Counseling
Astrology is a powerful tool for counseling and healing
Classical astrology provides a fantastic tool to help people find guidance and more deeply understand their lives. Most students of astrology approach the study because they feel a calling to help others.
Entering people’s lives as an astrologer, one finds oneself in the position of trusted counselor, who may be looked to for guidance on a transformative process. Yet, most astrological courses and teachers only make occasional statements about how to skillfully convey their insights to clients, dedicating more focus to transmitting the mechanics of astrology.
My approach in training astrological students is to train them not only to have a good understanding of and facility with astrological techniquest, but how to show up in a good and appropriate way as a counselor.
New Release
Astrology and the Lives of People
by Joseph Crane
Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui
Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui
Other Publications
For Astrologers
Recent Articles
Marsilio Ficino: Renaissance Luminary Revived for the Modern Astrologer
He was one of the pioneers of the early Italian Renaissance and used traditional astrology in surprising and innovative ways, bringing astrology together with a neoplatonic worldview, natural magic, and an emphasis on healthy body and soul. It’s a pleasure to be teaching about him this summer.
Sir Gawain and the Renewal of Light
An ageless tale of trial, redemption, and the New Year from the late fourteenth century. An inspiration for these darker times.
The Past Darkly: Divine Comedy’s Historical Background
What follows is an overview and timeline I wish I had when I first started reading the Divine Comedy. Because the poem relates closely to its cultural, political, and spiritual background, it’s good to have some broad strokes.
Chaucer’s Wife of Bath Needs a New Astrological Chart
The Wife of Bath from Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, was, and continues to be, one of Chaucer’s most vivid and enigmatic creations. Lately I have revisited her Prologue and Tale, her character, circumstances, and use of astrology that reflects more of her character and circumstances.
Liberating Uranus and Aquarius – From Each Other
Many astrologers in the last century have correlated signs, planets, and houses in ways that have brought confusion to astrology and distorted its range of application. Here I would like to look critically at the modern affiliation of the sign Aquarius with the planet Uranus, that Uranus is the “modern” ruler of Aquarius.
Calling and the Soul’s Transformations
Another rotation of “Astrologies of Soul” begins Thursday January 26 2017. A timely survey of the nature of soul and the world and the many ways the universe calls to us.